Disability may be the result of an accident or an unexpected illness that leaves you unable to do your job. During this time with no or reduced income, your ongoing medical and living expenses can quickly eat through your savings. Long term disability is described once 90 days have been reached. The question is where will the funds come from to pay for rent or mortgage, groceries, utilizes, credit card payments and transportation expenses to name a few. How many assets do you have to sell to cover you while you are on bed? How will you and your family survive?
That’s why there’s disability insurance. If you were sick or injured and unable to work, it would replace a good portion of your paycheck until you could work again. It does not only protect your assets and gives you financial protections, but it also protects your future. Sometimes, these assets have more value for you than the market value, and you don’t want to lose them. For example, if you have farm which came to you from your forefathers, and you want to keep the same tradition of transferring to the next generation. Here, loosing the farm is not only a financial loss but an emotional distress as well.
Top Benefits of Having a Disability Insurance
Protecting Your Assets
Benefits are free from income tax
Start living a worry free life.
Standard Employment benefits will not cover you when you are unable to work and have a long-term disability. So, don’t let your assets go to waste. Apply for a Disability Insurance today. If you have a home, farm or any other valuable asset. Disability Insurance will protect you from selling them when you are unable to work and need money to survive.
Contact Insure Your Future today for the best Disability Insurance
Rene Apack, CEO of the Inure Your Future is ready to help. He is a professional disability insurance broker with 18 years of experience will help you understand the coverage and limitations of your current insurance policies held such as Medicare, Medigap Insurance (also known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance), Medicaid, or other similar policies for living assistance help. Give us a call today at +1 (800) 788-8921 or send us an email here.